Friday, September 03, 2004

And we close the file on Bonita the Duck

For my faithful readers enquiring of news about the fate of Bonita the Duck, I think we will have to close the file on this one and mark it "unsolved." I vigilantly scan the river each morning and afternoon, stopping and searching among the grazing flocks of geese and generally wreaking small havoc amongst the local goose population who begin to mutter suspicions that I am stalking them. But no Bonita.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, there are likely three scenarios for our favorite feathered friend, and the mystery remains unsolved about which flock she has joined. I have to share one last suspicion that recently occurred to me based on the number of these I pass on the path -- perhaps instead of Bonita the Duck, all along she was actually Carmen the Cormorant?

Goodbye Bonita and we all wish you well, and that you have found a place where you belong ... somewhere...

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